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类型:纪录片  英国   2018-06-26


导演:Giles Harrison


  《BBC地平线:青少年对抗癌症用户指南》是2018年的一部纪录片。由Giles Harrison精心打造的,电影BBC地平线:青少年对抗癌症用户指南,又名Horizon:Teenagers vs Cancer:A Users Guide。What is it like to be young and find out you have got cancer? What you will find out in this film may surprise you. This film, narrated by actor and comedian Jack Whitehall, tells 11 inspirational stories, revealing how a range of young people have dealt with their cancer diagnosis and the treatment process. We hear, primarily in their own words, about their fears, their hopes and their experiences - affirming the view that 'the best therapist for a teenager with cancer... is another teenager with cancer.' Chloe, Harry, Liam, Tim and Matt introduce us to the bespoke ward facilities, specialist nursing and social worker support which is tailored to this age group - and which is largely funded by charities, such as CLIC Sargent, Macmillan Cancer Support and the Teenage Cancer Trust. Magda and Sophie give us an insight into the world of drugs development which is giving great benefit to some people - but Chloe's story tragically presents the argument that the age restrictions on drugs trials should be broadened. Nick, Yazz and Roisin reveal the depth and innovative nature of the support that goes into teenage and young adult cancer care. What all their stories share is a sense of hope - and teenage bloody-mindedness.


  油桐火焰 说:片中有个患肺癌的小女孩犹为乐观,美丽聪明又懂事,对自己的病情,对疾病的治疗都颇为了解,面对镜头讲述她疾病治疗情况时那种难有的乐观。之后他妈妈有点赌气有点难过的说再不来医院是最好不过的,还不知道什么时候才能这样。而她面对镜头又略带安慰自己的母亲说到,life isn't perfect, we can't always get what we want.祝福这位女孩。 当然祝福片中所有的坚强的孩子们,加油!
  ofelia11 说:身处花样的年纪却遭受了同龄人无法想象的癌症侵袭,患病的少男少女没有自怨自艾,他们仍然是爱美的乐观的开朗的,用笑容面对噩运,不排除拍摄方有意选择采访对象,但英国青少年癌症的5年生存率能达到80%以上,这一点真的了不起。另,医护人员热情亲切友善的交流和专业及时到位的护理让人印象深刻。感动!
  いちごミルク 说:小朋友们的乐观真是鼓舞人心 很难想象年幼的他们被确诊癌症是什么样的心情 但是他们无一例外的勇敢坚强又乐观 另外 Chloe妈妈真的是一个很温柔很伟大的母亲 因为不想再有别的孩子重蹈覆辙 多年来一直致力于推动青少年抗癌药物的关注 由衷的敬佩


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