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类型:欧美剧  英国   2020-06-14

主演:安-玛莉·杜芙 拉菲·斯波 玛安娜·本灵 马克·阿蒂 安伯·阿迦 贝恩·科拉科 斯蒂芬妮·吉尔 约翰尼·哈里斯 威廉·休斯顿 Colin Murtagh



  《索尔兹伯里投毒案》是2020年的一部欧美剧。由索尔·迪勃执导,安-玛莉·杜芙、拉菲·斯波、玛安娜·本灵等联袂主演。索尔兹伯里投毒案,又名The Salisbury Poisonings、毒杀风暴。Filming has begun this week on Salisbury, an engrossing three-part factual drama for BBC Two written by Adam Patterson and Declan Lawn and produced by Dancing Ledge Productions. Leading the esteemed cast is Anne-Marie Duff (Shameless, His Dark Materials), who is joined by Rafe Spall (The War Of The Worlds, Denmark), Mark Addy (Game Of Thrones, Downton Abbey) Annabel Scholey (The Split, Britannia), Johnny Harris (This Is England ‘86, Jawbone) and MyAnna Buring (The Witcher, Ripper Street). Salisbury focuses on the impact the 2018 Novichok poisonings had on the local community. The drama tells the remarkable story of how ordinary people and public services reacted to a crisis on their doorstep, displaying extraordinary heroism as their city became the focus of an unprecedented national emergency. Salisbury captures the bravery, resilience and, in some cases, personal tragedy of the unsuspecting locals, who faced a situation of unimaginable horror so close to home. Additional cast include Ron Cook, Stella Gonet, Faye McKeever, Kimberley Nixon and Duncan Pow. Writers Adam Patterson and Declan Lawn say: “It’s a privilege to be able to tell the story of people who were deeply affected by the events in Salisbury. During our months of research we have been humbled to hear their stories, and to be able to tell them in this drama.” Laurence Bowen, Executive Producer for Dancing Ledge Productions, says: “This is a story we all think we know, but the truth of what people experienced and of the local response to the chemical attack, is shocking and humbling in equal measure.” Lucy Richer, Executive Producer for the BBC, says: “To have such a distinguished cast taking part in the drama is testament to the strength and quality of Adam and Declan’s scripts. We are honoured to be telling this astonishing, powerful and moving story on the BBC.” Executive Producers are Laurence Bowen and Chris Carey for Dancing Ledge Productions, Lucy Richer for the BBC and Adam Patterson and Declan Lawn. It is directed by Saul Dibb (Dublin Murders, The Duchess, Bullet Boy) and produced by Karen Lewis (Years And Years, Happy Valley, Last Tango In Halifax). FremantleMedia are handling international distribution.


  Samrock 说:感觉就像热锅上的蚂蚁,团团转。大家都不知道真像,那最终拿出来的东西说服力有多少呢? 单从影片看,总而言之可疑地方有点多,首先,为什么要用这种神经毒素来暗杀目标?最终目标也没去世。其次,目标不致死的毒,却能保存50年,可能杀死上千人,到底是媒体过分报导的噱头,还是所谓专家的恐慌?像切尔诺贝利电视剧,你就能一步一步感受到那种辐射的恐怖,而这个所谓神经毒素,听起来是化武,确实也给几万人口的小镇带来恐慌,但是,搬到荧幕却给不了观众任何刺激。3颗星给故事背后那些真正奋斗一线的人员,看得出他们确实很尽职尽力
  基瑞尔 说:这类“三集事件剧”有很大沦为对真实故事戏剧化复盘一遍的可能性,但却提供了一个更为新鲜的角度:那些独属于小报闲刊里的“谍战风波”或是之后于外交、政经所产生的余波先抛到一旁,去关心这个因投毒案而打破了平静生活的小镇。对于健康系统因此产生的天然怀疑与机构之间的拉扯,所谓“真相”的坚持,还有无辜者们被埋葬于未知的恐惧…视角上的的独特配搭稳健的表演,在足够的篇幅里完成了更超出纲领的叙述;不刻意满足看客的窥探心,是多么棒的一次体验啊。
  老珂 说:当年该投毒案震惊大英朝野。看完剧再结合回顾当时的报道,很完整还原了整个事件过程,包括英国的公共事件处理机制。由于该剧用的纪录片体来呈现事件经过和当事人以及小镇居民的心理治愈过程,摈弃紧张刺激的商业元素,用一种温和的方式来演绎,是优点也许也是缺点,见仁见智,但可见导演和编剧的真诚。世人一定要记住反人类反社会的诺维乔克(NOVICHOK POISONING)神经毒剂,是哪个极权国家出品。


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