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类型:纪录片  英国   2013-11-14

主演:Brian Cox 马特·史密斯



  《神秘博士背后的科学》是2013年的一部纪录片。由马特·史密斯执导,Brian Cox、马特·史密斯等联袂主演。神秘博士背后的科学,又名The Science of Doctor Who。Brian takes an audience, with the help of celebrity guests, on a journey into the wonderful universe of The Doctor, in a specially recorded programme from the lecture theatre of the Royal Institution of Great Britain.Brian reveals the science behind the spectacle and explains the physics that allows Doctor Who to travel through space and time. Fun, but filled with real science...(展开全部)Brian takes an audience, with the help of celebrity guests, on a journey into the wonderful universe of The Doctor, in a specially recorded programme from the lecture theatre of the Royal Institution of Great Britain.Brian reveals the science behind the spectacle and explains the physics that allows Doctor Who to travel through space and time. Fun, but filled with real science, it’s a special night for Who fans as well anyone with a thirst for understanding.Brian is in the unique position of knowing The Doctor’s universe inside out as well as the reality behind the drama. When the TARDIS travels through time and space, Brian understands the physics involved. And when it comes to life on other planets, Brian knows the real science that could prove extra-terrestrial life might just really exist in our galaxy.


  海贼拉面 说:物理科普界男神Brian Cox的小讲座,分为:光速恒定,狭义相对论;通过光谱观测宇宙的化学成分,以及通过耗散热判定文明; 黑洞三个小节。每小节辅以Cox被小11调戏和反调戏的小短片。看完当晚梦见自己时空旅行回到了高中二年级的宿舍,十分得意地跟舍友炫耀自己其实是十年后穿越回来的。
  铭心 说:了不起.看完对生命,科学,和宇宙充满了敬畏之情.Brian Cox真的好棒,如果Doctor有这样一位companion该有多好,两个人一起不断感叹宇宙的奥妙.想到他的大脑里面装满了那么多的知识还保持这样的一颗心就觉得好了不起.讲座也并不难懂,中间还和Doctor还有观众讲笑话.最后一段超感人.We are all time travelers
  litanerr 说:教授你费了这么大力气是不是想impress博士做他的companion 可是博士并不喜欢一个什么都懂对bigger on the inside一点都不惊讶的物理学家呢哈哈哈 看到最后确实有些感动 通过DW来鼓励更多年轻人尤其是年轻姑娘走进科学工作 every adventure starts with a moment, a spark


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